Media Kit

NextSportStar is the best sports and entertainment site on the web, with an all-star broadcasting lineup including Hall of Famer Phil Esposito, and we are looking for you, our Next Sport Star.
Get involved with all our shows by phone (toll free 1 888 999 5880) or tweet @NextSportStar, and if you have what it takes you can win your own show !

NSS Website Delivers
Geographic Profile of Website Visitors:
- North America: 64%
- Europe/U.K.: 23%
- The rest of the world: 13%
NSS Website:
- Dynamic global sport audience
- Live streaming shows – every day
- Fully refreshed, mobile-optimized design
- Touchpoints across desktop and mobile, including within the new NSS Mobile App
- Improved targeting capabilities based on visitor behavior

Advertising & Marketing
For more information about NEXT SPORT STAR digital web screen advertising opportunities, please contact:
David Higgins
Phone: 416-880-1307

Next Sport Star & Social Media
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
We bring you original and comprehensive articles, expert interviews, original research, and the news you need to improve your social media marketing.
We are deeply involved with social platforms; Tvitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest.
Next Sport Star advertising positions ( Home, Article/Pages/ Sidebar Area )

Next Sport Star takes full advantage of available ad space to give you a myriad of options to place your ads. The ad units include a main Billboard area with adjustable height and width that can accommodate any size ad, an Ad Widget that can accommodate 300px wide ads of any height in the sidebar as well as any size leaderboard ad in the homepage widget area.
Next Sport Star takes full advantage of available ad space to give you a myriad of options to place your ads. The ad units include a main Billboard area with adjustable height and width that can accommodate any size ad, an Ad Widget that can accommodate 300px wide ads of any height in the sidebar as well as any size leaderboard ad in the homepage widget area.
According to AdWords, (Google) the most popular and commonly published banner ad sizes are:
Homepage Ad-Area (top Premium)
970 x 400 – Billboard (Visible on all pages)
Also known as a “billboard.” A brand-centric format that performs well when placed in a premium position on the page, e.g., above the main content of the Homepage.
While demand from advertisers for larger ad formats is on the rise, the supply of available display ads for this ad size is currently limited.
Tv: yes | Desktop: yes | Laptop: yes | iPad: yes | Mobile: yes
970 x 90 – Large Leaderboard
A good size for extra-interactive ads. For example, can be made to expand to 970 x 400 when users engage.
Performs well if placed above main content, or middle article page.
Tv: yes | Desktop: yes | Laptop: yes | iPad: yes | Mobile: yes
Home, Article/Pages (middle) Area
728 x 90 – Leaderboard
Also known as a “leaderboard”. Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled.
Performs well if placed above main content, or middle article page.
Tv: yes | Desktop: yes | Laptop: yes | iPad: yes | Mobile: yes
Home, Article/Page Sidebar Area
300 x 600 – Half-Page
This format is large and obvious, designed specifically to pull in lots of attention. It gets nearly half a page’s worth of attention.
Sometimes referred to as a “half page”. This format provides a larger space for advertisers to get their message across and can offer users rich engagement.
The 300×600 is one of the fastest growing sizes by impressions and is indicative of a trend where publishers are offering more visually impactful ad sizes that are preferred by brand advertisers
Tv: yes | Desktop: yes | Laptop: yes | iPad: yes | Mobile: yes
300 x 250 – Medium Rectangle
Also known as the “Inline Rectangle,” this size is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. It’s one of the most commonly-published sizes. That means your ad could potentially see a much wider audience.
The medium rectangle is the most served banner size on Google’s display networks. It captures a third of all served ad impressions.
Tv: yes | Desktop: yes | Laptop: yes | iPad: yes | Mobile: yes